Let’s talk “elephants”, -or any other animal- that happens to crop up in the room!
As a reader, you can expect topics that stimulate the mind and provoke the heart to speak its truth…
The Internet: A Human Right
The Internet: A Human Right “History is written by the conquerors, not the conquered. Africa was conquered. Interpretation…whose narrative? – The conquering that they did can be reversed, and they don’t want that- white supremacy is a thing, as real as day and night.” “Lizz, people are woke, because people are exposed. People are exposed […]
Relaxation of Expectations
The snippet below is of a story that was submitted to be published on the blog. It is a true story. (We will name the two characters, John* and Jane*) They went on a date months after numbers were exchanged: and they only dated for 16 hours… On the actual date day: … John: I […]
👖Who wears the pants? (Part II)👖
Continuing from the previous post. Part I can be found at the following link in case you may have missed it.https://poemsandcollectives.wordpress.com/2020/03/16/who-wears-the-pants/?preview=true Our Part II responses seem to come more from the ladies this time around, and I have ended this part 2 series with a gent’s views on the topic. Happy reading 🌹 Chanel Lee: […]
👖Who wears the pants? 👖
My friend, let’s call her Ladybird*** posted a status saying “I think many times men/guys do not know what to do with a successful woman. I’m talking about woman who are more ambitious than they are, woman that makes things happen, a woman doesn’t ask for money and is able to do more for herself […]
Trust The Process
It was more than a writer’s block. Somehow and for no reason at all, I just couldn’t write. A special thank you to Divine, Tamara, Acacia and Evody for motivating me to write again ✨ While “mentally” away and trying to figure out what the heck is going on with my life. Being in this […]